Thursday, July 14, 2016

Fr. Troy Beecham: Happy 5thDay of Christmas!Aninteresting day to re...

Fr. Troy Beecham: Happy 5thDay of Christmas!
Aninteresting day to re...
: Happy 5th Day of Christmas! An interesting day to register a domain name and create a website. Pray for me, blessed St. Thomas Beckett...


God, have mercy on us, and help us. 

We seem intent on destroying ourselves, often in your name. Forgive us for trying to drag you into justifying the violences that we do to each other. 

Thank you for showing us through the life of your Son Jesus that your nature is love, so that we know how to truly recognize your presence. Help us to love each other, with humility, compassion, mercy, and grace.

For our sisters and brothers in France today, victims yet again of terrorism, send to them healing, consolation, and hope. If the way you send it is through me, help me to say 'yes' to your loving Spirit that I will go where you send me.
