Friday, June 8, 2018

No zero sum equations

Thoughtful quote from Fr. Paul Mueller in an article about science and faith (and I suggest about a great many of the false, zero sum, winner/loser, enemy/friend dualities that we accept), especially regarding the book of Genesis:

“...(Q)uestions touching upon science and faith should never be framed as "either-or" as if people should be forced to choose to be "loyal" to just one side.

Loyalty is ultimately to the truth -- and both science and the church are in pursuit of the truth... Human understanding or interpretation of both sources -- the "book" of nature and the Book of Genesis -- "is limited and imperfect...Both 'books' are written by the same 'author,' who is God -- in the end they cannot disagree, since truth cannot contradict truth and God does not contradict God...

So, if it seems to us that whatever is true about the story of the Garden and Adam and Eve is in conflict with whatever is true about the theory of evolution, don't panic. Be patient. Keep studying, keep observing, keep praying. Have faith in the ultimate unity of truth.

It is people who do not have faith in the ultimate unity of truth who end up forcing the likes of Galileo and Teilhard to sign (something) and who end up insisting that science proves there is no God.”

Or forcing people to pick artificial sides or draw lines in the sand and demand you line up or be counted as false or inhuman. I believe that our fractured human grasp of God’s truth cannot be resolved intellectually, or in voting booths, or in taking polls of opinion, or in legislation, but only as we are fully taken up in the love of Jesus. Only the love of Jesus can bring into focus all that we believe divides us, and only in his love will we find Truth and the unity that the human heart so desires.