Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Dormition of Mary

Today, Catholics and many other Christians celebrate the feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This significant feast day recalls the spiritual and physical departure of the mother of Jesus Christ from the earth, when both her soul and her body were taken into the presence of God (similar to the prophet Elijah).

Blessed Mary, mother of Jesus, ora pro nobis.

There are many longstanding traditions and testimonies from the early Church fathers and mothers on the subject, the history of theological reflection on many Biblical passages which are seen as indicating that Mary was bodily taken into heaven following her death.

Eastern Christians have also traditionally held Mary's assumption into heaven as an essential component of their faith. Several early Byzantine liturgical texts, as well as the eighth-century Arab Christian theologian St. John of Damascus, in his own authoritative definition of her assumption, wrote:

“It was fitting that she, who had kept her virginity intact in childbirth, should keep her own body free from all corruption even after death,” and “that she, who had carried the creator as a child at her breast, should dwell in the divine tabernacles.”

In Eastern Christian tradition, the same feast is celebrated on the same calendar date, although typically known as the Dormition (falling asleep) of Mary. Eastern Catholic celebration of the Dormition is preceded by a two-week period of fasting which is similar to Lent.

In the Anglican tradition, this teaching is considered worthy of contemplation and observance, but is not held as essential to the Faith as it is not part of the Ecumenical Councils proclamations or the Creeds.

The Book of Common Prayer commends it with this prayer:

O God, you have taken to yourself the blessed Virgin Mary, mother of your incarnate Son: Grant that we, who have been redeemed by his blood, may share with her the glory of your eternal kingdom; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.


Another prayer:

Lord Jesus Christ, You have destroyed the power of death and given the hope of eternal life for body and soul. You granted your Mother a special place in your glory, and did not allow decay to touch her body. As we rejoice in the Assumption of Mary, grant us renewed confidence in the victory of life over death.
