Saturday, August 12, 2023

St. Alexander of Comana Pontica, Bishop and Martyr

Today the Church remembers St. Alexander of Comana Pontica, Bishop and Martyr.

Ora pro nobis.

Saint Alexander, Bishop of Comana, lived during the third century AD, not far from Neocaesarea (now Niksar, northeast Turkey). He studied the Holy Scripture and knew many scientific disciplines. Taking upon himself the exploit of holy foolishness, the saint lived in poverty, selling coal in the city square. Many, seeing his face always black from the grime of the coal dust, sneered at him with contempt. 

When the Bishop of Comana happened to die, then among the candidates put forth for election as new bishop -- one was a man illustrious, others were learned or eloquent, while yet others were rich. Then Saint Gregory Thaumaturgos, Bishop of Neocaesarea, having been invited for the ordination of their choice, pointed out, that a bishop ought to have not only outward worthiness and distinction, but foremost of all, a pure heart and holy life. These words caused some to laugh saying: “If outward appearance and nobility of origin be for naught, then even Alexander the collier might be made bishop”.

Saint Gregory perceived that it was not without the Providence of God that this man came to be mentioned, and he asked that they call him. The appearance of the saint at the gathering evoked laughter, and the derided him as "the charcoal burner". Having respectfully bowed to Saint Gregory, Saint Alexander stood there deeply absorbed in himself and ignoring the sneering: Saint Gregory put him to the test, and the collier (coal burner) was obliged to reveal that he was formerly a philosopher, and had studied Holy Scripture, but that for the sake of God he had assumed upon himself voluntary poverty and humility. Saint Gregory then took the collier to his own lodging, where he washed off the grime, and gave him clean clothes. Returning then to the assembled people, Saint Gregory in front of everyone began to put to him questions from Holy Scripture, to which Saint Alexander answered like a knowledgeable and wise pastor. Seeing this, all were astonished at his humility and with one accord they elected him their bishop.

Saint Gregory ordained him priest, and later bishop. After the imposition of hands the new bishop preached a sermon to the people, full of power and the grace of God. And everyone rejoiced that the Lord had sent them such a wise pastor. Under the emperor Decius (249-251 AD), the saint bravely confessed Christ, and refused to worship idols. After tortures, they threw him into a fire, and there he departed to God in 251 AD. 

Almighty God, who gave to your servant Alexander boldness to confess the Name of our Savior Jesus Christ before the rulers of this world, and courage to die for this faith: Grant that we may always be ready to give a reason for the hope that is in us, and to suffer gladly for the sake of our Lord Jesus Christ; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. 
